Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dragon Tattoo Gallery - Where to Find the Best

1. Free sites online:

There are a number of free gallery sites online where you can find many different tattoos, including dragons. Many of the free dragons you'll find tend to be generic designs that you have probably seen before. Nothing too elaborate, elegant, or bold. But if you are looking for a basic design, then a free site might be for you.

2. Tattoo Artists Gallery.

Another option for a dragon tattoo gallery, are individual tattoo artists which have their own site, and specialize in dragons. These can be very unique and original, but there may be a fairly high fee for obtaining each design. Nevertheless you may find a great design that could definitely be worth it.

3. Tattoo Membership Galleries Online.

The best option for a dragon tattoo gallery is usually one which features many different designs listed in various categories. Membership sites provide this. Each category will contain "the best of the best". The category for dragons will contain high quality designs, which work excellent for tattoos. After you find your ideal dragon design, you can always go back and download more designs for future tattoo work. Good galleries will usually have a one time sign up fee, but you will get access to an unlimited number of designs which you can download for present or future ink work.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Female Tattooed with Poppies and Heart

Female Tattooed with Poppies and Heart

Female Tattooed with Poppies and Heart

Wonderful Roses Tattoo Design Gallery

Wonderful Roses Tattoo Design Gallery
Wonderful Roses Tattoo Design Gallery
Wonderful Roses Tattoo Design Gallery
Wonderful Roses Tattoo Design Gallery

Winged Eagle Full Back Tattoo

Winged Eagle Full Back Tattoo

dragon black tattoo ideas

Cool Tattoo Ideas

Unique Tattoo Designs For Women

A tattoo is not only a fashion statement but also an expression of your personality. A tattoo is more meaningful if there is a story behind it. Because everyone's story is unique, your tattoo should be unique. There are some great places online to find unique tattoo designs for women.

Tattoos on women are definitely a sign of sexuality. A strategically placed tattoo can say a lot about a woman without her opening her mouth. A tattoo on the upper thigh is very erotic. Not much can stir excitement more than catching a glimpse of a tattoo just under a short skirt.

Interesting Arm and Shoulder Tattoo Design

Interesting Arm and Shoulder Tattoo Design

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tribal Face Tattoos

Polish Eagle TattooPolish Eagle Tattoo

Eagle Tattoo for Legs

Hand tattoo skull design

hand free tattoo design, skull tattoo designsThis tattoo covers the whole hand, which is not common since people may tend to avoid shaking hands with you:) There are two skulls this tattoo, from difference angles.

Wonderful designs of tattoo for girls

As a girl or a young woman the most important thing for you most probably is not to be any different from your friends. You want to wear the same sort of clothes, listen to the same sort of music, like the same sort of movies, books, etc. And if many of your friends have tattoos (and your most famous celebrities) you will want to have a girly tattoo as well.

Well, tattoos got quite fashionable during the last couple of years and it is not so uncommon anymore that women and girls have tattoos also. Anyhow, even if it is a fashion, it is wise to consider that not everybody whom you will meet in the future is so tolerant and will like to look at your tattoo.
Wonderful designs of tattoo for girlsAs a girl you want to be extra careful with your decision about getting a tattoo. Here are some tips what to consider before you make your final decision.

1. Ask yourself: "Do I really want to get a tattoo because of me or is it just because everybody else has got one? Do I still want to have this tattoo when I am not 18 or 20 anymore? Will my kids like it or will it make them feel awkward having a mother with a tattoo?
2. Think very carefully about the design you are going to pick. A girly tattoo like e.g. a cute little kitten may be a sexy accessory as long as you are young. But how about it when you will be 50 years or older? Pick a design you will feel comfortable with for very many years. And never, never, never pick the name of your boyfriend. Your boyfriend maybe gone some day, but your tattoo will stay with you forever.
3. Where do you want to have the tattoo on your body? Pick a place which can easily be covered if necessary or is hidden underneath your clothes anyway. A tattoo should never be anything to be ashamed of but it should be something you are doing for yourself not for others. So there is not necessarily a need to show your tattoo openly all the time.
4. Choose the right tattoo studio very carefully. If your friends already have tattoos ask them for recommendations, ask them about their experiences. But never go to a tattoo studio just because everybody else is going there. You are the one, getting a tattoo, so make sure that you will feel comfortable with the studio and the studio owner and that you can trust the people working there. Try out several different studios, ask all the questions you may have and then take your time to make your decision.
5. Watch out for your health. Make sure the instruments and needles at the tattoo studio are new and sterile and that the person, doing the tattoo on you, is wearing gloves. Take good care of your tattoo and do as you have been told: Cover the tattoo at first, clean it thoroughly and apply lotion frequently.
6. Tattoos for girls (as for everybody else) stay with you for a lifetime. Having a tattoo removed is very painful and very expensive and mostly the results look awful. So, think before you ink! If you are not absolutely sure about your decision, why not start with a temporary tattoo at first. Try it out for a couple of days, Find out if this is really for you - if not, you can just wash it off.

There are very many wonderful designs of tattoo for girls now and a nicely done tattoo can of course enhance the looks of a young woman. But still it remains a critical decision which should be made in a hurry.

Various Tattoos Designs with Tribal Image

Weird Tattoos Designs

Weird tattoos are those types of tattoos that one will find have got a scary or odd look. Most of these tattoos can be found on gang members. Examples of weird tattoos are the ones you see on biker gangs and groups. Some of these tattoos tend to have some creatures that one cannot place their existence. One of such tattoos is the one that has been seen to be very weird.

Romantic Couple in Tribal Tattoos Designs

Buddha in Tattoos Designs Painted in the Arm

Women and the Beauty of Tattoos Designs